Welcome To How To Not Suck At Networking!

Networking is such a personal activity—it is not a one-sizefits-all practice. It’s easy to get bogged down in the details and miss out on the foundation of how to build and retain an effective network. At the end of the day, no one cares what you do as much as whether you know and like them and whether you can be trusted. In an industry built on the power of connecting face-to-face, establishing and growing meaningful relationships is undeniably critical to long-term success.

During the current pandemic, networking has shifted from onsite to fully online. In this presentation, networking concierge Ashley Owens shares ways to nurture your current business relationships to create your own tactical, individualized approach. Save time by recognizing the best strategic partners and effectively engaging contacts through email, messaging, social media, and other digital tools. Dive in and engage with your peers in this highly interactive keynote, and learn how to balance your strengths, network strategically and with confidence, and craft an authentic, powerful, professional networking process to achieve a wildly successful career.

 I attended Ashley’s networking presentation yesterday and found it incredibly helpful! She is a dynamic speaker and she gave me a boost of confidence! Her tips for networking were great. My favorite takeaway from yesterday…Do not be afraid to request and make authentic personal connections. We all like to help each other."

- Kathy Chisholm